If you’re strength training, make sure your exercise selection will promote better performance in golf. In general, weight machines may be effective if you’re looking to build muscle mass, but are…
Tag: Fitness
Must Try Stretches For Golfers With Lower Back Stiffness
Lower back pain and stiffness is by far the most common body ailment suffered by golfers of all ages and abilities. Typically for golfers, lower back pain and stiffness is…
The Source of Your Back Pain and Stiffness?
The Hips/Low Back Connection A lack of hip mobility is a common cause of low back pain and stiffness for golfers. Good hip mobility allows the pelvis to properly rotate…
Get the Most Out of Your Workouts
Get the most out of your workouts by performing exercises that require your body to function like it does in the golf swing. If you aren’t sure how to tweak…
Perfect Your Takeaway for More Consistency
The takeaway portion of the swing will determine the club path. A poorly sequenced takeaway will cost you consistency and distance. The proper sequence of the takeaway is upper body…
A Simple Hip Exercise for More Stability in Golf
Sway and Slide One of the most common swing flaws we see among amateur golfers is too much lower body lateral (side-to-side) movement. When too much lateral movement occurs in…
What The Science Says: Your Tight Hamstrings Affect Your Swing!
Toe Touch and Spine Posture Stability At FitGolf Performance Centers throughout the nation we periodically conduct research studies to study how the body influences the golf swing. One of studies…
Bad Balance? Expect Bad Golf Swings
Why is Balance Important for the Golf Swing I’ll be blunt. If you have poor balance, it’s very unlikely that you will produce a repeatable and consistent golf swing. In…

Using the Baseball Swing to Unlock Power Potential for Golf
At the 2016 World Golf Fitness Summit I attended a lecture presented by Liam Mucklow, founder of The Golf Lab and former Teach of the Year.The topic of his lecture…
Is Your Fitness Routine Hurting Your Golf Game?
Are all core exercises created equally? It’s well documented that core strength is critical to prevent injury and improve the golf swing. When I evaluate a golfer new to golf…