Why is Balance Important for the Golf Swing I’ll be blunt. If you have poor balance, it’s very unlikely that you will produce a repeatable and consistent golf swing. In…
Category: Balance Exercises
in Articles, Balance, Balance Exercises, Blog, Exercises, Flexibility & Mobility, Golf Drill Exercises, Power, Re-education, Recent News, Speed, Stability/Control0by Jason Rivkin
Spring Your Body to Powerful Golf
Spring is FINALLY upon us and over the last couple of months I have been asking our golfers what their goals are for the 2014 golf season. In almost every…
More Distance From Golf Fitness
How different would your scores be if you could drive 10, 20, or even 30 yards further? When our golfers here at FitGolf Performance Centers set their goals, rarely is…
Balance exercises greatly increase balance and control
The exercises are organized by body area. Click on an image to view and download the exercises. Balance and Posture FEEL YOUR FEET – VIDEO ON SENSING BALANCE