If you’re working a normal desk job or have a relatively sedentary life-style, you have tight hip flexors. This is a problem for golf.
Golf and Health Issues Related to Hip Flexor Tightness:
- Low back tightness and pain
- Poor standing and golf posture
- Limited pelvic/lower body rotation
- Weakness in the core and glutes
One of the quickest ways to generate more distance and consistency in your golf is by improving your hip flexor flexibility.
Here are a few exercises we use with our clients to improve hip flexors:

Jason Rivkin
Golf Fitness Coach
FitGolf Performance Centers of the Delaware Valley
Questions? Email me at [email protected]
If you try these exercises and you find them to be too challenging or uncomfortable, do not continue, until you have consulted with your physician. All exercises for golf should be customized to your needs after a proper evaluation.
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