Improve Your Consistency: 3 Key Exercises to Eliminate Swing Flaws

(Full Workout Video at the Bottom)

Every golfer knows the frustration of inconsistency. One day, your swing feels smooth, controlled, and powerful. The next, it’s like you’ve never picked up a club. For many golfers, inconsistency keeps them from reaching their full potential.

While inconsistency can stem from various sources- technique, poorly fitted equipment, or mental game-physical limitations are often a hidden culprit. In our latest video, we help you uncover and address two common physical issues that may hold you back: lack of upper body rotation and poor lower body stability. These physical limitations can lead to swing flaws like sway, slide, loss of posture, and inconsistent rotation, which can sabotage your game.

The good news? You can improve consistency, create more efficient movement, and eliminate those nagging swing flaws with a few targeted exercises.

The Physical Limitations Holding You Back

If you’ve struggled with consistency, it’s worth looking closer at your body’s mobility and stability. Here are two key areas that could be affecting your ability to make repeatable, efficient swings.

lack of upper body rotation and mobility

A limited range of motion in your upper body, particularly in the thoracic spine (mid-back), can prevent you from making a complete, controlled turn in your swing. With enough rotation, you may compensate by swaying or sliding, throwing off your timing and causing consistency.

lower body stability

Stability in the lower body is essential for staying grounded and maintaining posture throughout the swing. Weak or unstable glutes and hips can lead to an unstable base, resulting in loss of posture or improper weight transfer, contributing to inconsistent contact with the ball.

Lack of coordination: dissociating the upper and lower body

Many golfers struggle to rotate their upper body while keeping the lower body stable, which is crucial for an efficient swing. This lack of coordination can lead to improper sequencing, where the upper and lower body moves together or out of sync, resulting in swing flaws such as early extension, loss of posture, or a disjointed swing path.

Again, the good news is that these physical limitations can be addressed with targeted exercises. In the video, we guide you through three key movements that will help you improve your upper body rotation, strengthen your lower body stability, and ultimately create a more consistent golf swing.

The Workout

Reachbacks for Thoracic Spine Rotational Mobility

One of the most common issues we see in golfers struggling with inconsistency is a lack of rotation through the thoracic spine. The Reachback exercise is a simple, but effective way to improve upper body mobility and allow for a fuller, more controlled turn in your backswing.

how to perform:
  • Start on your hands and knees and sit back on your heels.
  • Place your forearms on the ground, with both elbows a few inches away from your knees.
  • Place one hand behind your head.
  • Reach your elbow towards the ceiling and rotate your head and upper body as far as possible.
  • Perform ten repetitions on each side.
why it works:

Improving mobility in your thoracic spine will allow you to rotate more freely during your backswing and follow-through. With better rotation, you’ll be able to maintain better posture and avoid swaying or sliding, two common causes of inconsistent ball striking.

Single Leg Bridge for Glute Strength and Lower Body Stability

Glutes play a significant role in stabilizing your lower body throughout the swing. Weak or underactive glutes can lead to an unstable base, resulting in loss of posture or inconsistent weight transfer. The Single Leg Bridge strengthens your glutes, helping to create a more stable lower body.

how to perform:
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Pull one knee to your chest with both hands while keeping the other foot planted.
  • Press through your grounded foot to lift your hips toward the ceiling, creating a straight line from your shoulders to you knees.
  • After holding for 2-3 seconds, lower your hips back down.
  • Perform ten repetitions on each leg.
why it works:

A strong, stable lower body gives you the foundation to maintain posture and power throughout your swing. Strengthening your glutes will reduce the likelihood of of swaying or sliding, helping you stay more consistent through impact.

Half-Kneeling Rotation for Coordination, Balance, and Stability

The Half-Kneeling Rotation combines upper body rotation with lower body stability and coordination. This exercise not only improves your rotational mobility, but also challenges your ability to stabilize your lower body while making coordinated upper body movements- crucial for a consistent golf swing.

how to perform:
  • Start in a half-kneeling position with one knee on the ground and the other foot planted in front of you.
  • Place a golf club behind your shoulders or on the small of the back.
  • Rotate your torso towards the forward leg, keeping your lower body stable, then return to the center.
  • Perform eight repetitions on each side.
why it works:

The half-kneeling position challenges your balance and lower body stability while improving upper body rotation. This exercise helps train your body to rotate efficiently without sacrificing balance or posture, a key component of a repeatable, consistent swing.

Improve Your Consistency with Targeted Exercises

If you’ve been struggling with inconsistency, it’s time to address the physical limitations holding you back. Incorporating these three exercises into your routine will improve your upper body mobility, lower body stability, and coordination, creating the foundation for a more repeatable and efficient swing.

Consistency on the course isn’t just about fixing your swing mechanics. It’s about building a body that can move efficiently and repeat the same motions round after round. With better mobility and stability, you’ll be on your way to more consistent ball striking and lower scores.

For a detailed walkthrough of each exercise, check out our latest video. Follow along, and start taking control of your golf game today!

For a written version of this workout, download the Consistency Workout Routine Checklist below. It’s a simple guide to help you follow along and refer back to all the exercises later.