Golf Fitness Training to Eliminate the Slide and Sway

One of the most common swing faults our golf fitness coaches observe is excessive lateral (side-to-side) movement. When excessive lateral movement occurs in the back swing it is called a sway. When it occurs in the downswing it is called a slide. Both sway and slide are detrimental to both consistency of ball striking and power. Excessive lateral movement throws off correct swing sequencing which makes it very challenging to have the club head square to the ball at impact.

Sway and slide can result from a number of different physical limitations. A lack of hip stability is one of the most common culprits. One of the most important muscles for lower body and lateral stability is the gluteus medius, which is located on the outside of the buttocks. 

A strong and active gluteus medius will prevent lateral movement throughout the swing which will allow you to properly coil and generate power within a stable posture. Luckily, for all of you swayers and sliders, strengthening the gluteus medius is a very simple task and requires minimal equipment. The clam shell exercise is a great beginner exercise for any golfer looking to add stability and consistency to their golf swing. Here’s how they are performed:

First, get into a side lying position.  Stack the top leg on top of the bottom and bring your knees towards your chest. From here, keep your feet together and raise the top knee to form a clam shape. You should feel your top buttocks tighten and hold for 2-3 seconds. It is important to make sure your pelvis does not rotate backwards during the motion, so make sure your top hip stays directly above the bottom hip throughout the duration of the exercise. To make this exercise more challenging, simply place a rubber tubing ring around your legs just above the knee joints.

Perform 2 sets x 15 reps of clam shells everyday and you will feel stability and power added to your swing.

For any questions regarding exercise to add stability into your golf swing please email me at [email protected]

Jason Rivkin, BS, ATC, GPS, CGFI-FP1

If you try these exercises and you find them to be too challenging or uncomfortable, do not continue, until you have consulted with your physician.  All exercises for golf should be customized to your needs after a proper evaluation.

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