Glute Exercise for More Stability in Your Swing

Weak Glutes are Associated with:

PoorBalance, Posture & Stability in golf swing

Lack ofPower & Consistency

Tight Hamstrings

Low Back Pain/Tightness

It’s no wonder why so many Golf Fitness Trainers and Therapists consider the glutes the single most important muscle group!  

Work Your Glutes Often

You can train your glutes without any fancy gym equipment or heavy weights. Here’s one of our favorite glute exercises, the Supine Bridge With March:


– When you march the left leg, contract the right glute and push hard through the right heel (and visa-versa).

– If you feel tightness or cramping in your hamstring, try lifting your toes as you perform the exercise.

– Perform 3-4 sets x 10 marches

If you try these exercises and you find them to be too challenging or uncomfortable, do not continue, until you have consulted with your physician.  All exercises for golf should be customized to your needs after a proper evaluation.

Come In and See Us

Want to take your golf to the next level? Our FitGolf® Trainers are experts at working one-on-one with you to tailor a training program to meet the specific needs of your body and help you achieve the results you are hoping to see in your golf. 

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