Most golfers know that if your address posture is poor then there is a strong possibility that your golf swing will have some flaws. In fact, most golf pros rate posture at address as one of the most important elements of a good golf swing.
Consequently, it is important to be aware of the physical tools needed to achieve a good posture.
Many golfers that we work with have tight hamstrings. The hamstrings are the muscles behind the thighs that start from the hips and attach down below the knees.
The primary function of the hamstrings is to bend the knee during activities like walking and running, but they also control how much your pelvis and spine can bend forward during the address position.
If the hamstrings are too tight, you will not be able to bend forward enough from the hips. This can cause you to address the ball with your spine overly rounded (C-Posture).
Therefore, if you know you have tight hamstrings, try the following hamstring stretch so you can achieve the ideal posture at address and minimize many of the full swing flaws that might be influenced by your current posture.
If you try these exercises and you find them to be too challenging or uncomfortable, do not continue, until you have consulted with your physician. All exercises for golf should be customized to your needs after a proper evaluation.
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