A Smarter Way to Warm-Up For Golf

The objective of your golf warm-up should be to increase your body temperature and to prepare for the body movements you’ll be performing during the golf swing.

This will be best achieved through dynamic stretching and movement preparation.

Static Stretching Vs. Dynamic Stretching

Static stretching is when you elongate or stretch a muscle, and hold the stretch for a period of time. An example of this would be bending over to touch your toes (stretching the hamstrings) and holding for 10 or more seconds. 

Dynamic stretching consists of movements where the joints and muscles are going through a full active range of motion. Sometimes dynamic stretches don’t look or feel like a traditional stretch! For example, jumping jacks classify as a dynamic stretch.  

Which Type of Stretch Should You Choose?

I’ll first say that I’m a BIG fan of static stretching. However, static stretching is more useful for increasing muscle length and joint range of motion than it is for warm-up purposes. On the other hand, a good dynamic stretching sequence will be more effective in preparing the body for golf because it increases body temperature and prepares the body for the rotational demands of the golf swing. 

There’s even research that suggests that static stretching performed before activity might be detrimental to power, while dynamic stretching may improve power. It’s worth noting that the differences weren’t ultra significant, but there are benefits to dynamic stretching as it relates to power nevertheless.

The take-away here is that you should always include dynamic stretching in your pre-round or practice warm-up. You can still perform static stretches, just make sure to follow them up with dynamic stretches.

An Example Dynamic Warm-Up Routine (Video)

– Forward Leg Swings: 10-15 reps or 15 seconds/side
– Side Leg Swings: 10-15 reps or 15 seconds/side
– Diagonal Hip Twists: 10 reps or 15 seconds/side
– Arm Swings: 10 reps or 15 seconds/side
– Diagonal Shoulder Twists: 10 reps or 15 seconds/side
– Full Body Twists: 10 reps or 15 seconds/side

If you try these exercises and you find them to be too challenging or uncomfortable, do not continue until you have consulted with your physician. All exercises for golf should be customized to your needs after a proper evaluation.

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